Can I get a dog, please?

Photo on 01-11-14 at 4.19 pm

I told my dad,

I had a wish.

I wanted a pet,

A dog or a fish.

I prefer a loyal dog,

Who I could play with all day long.

A furry little creature,

Gentle yet strong.

I could take him for a walk,

And always have company.

People will look at us,

And smile at me and my puppy.

Someone who will wait eagerly,

Till I reach home.

A dog who will be loyal,

And never leave me alone.

A dog who will sleep besides me,

And listen to my bedtime stories.

A real soft toy to cuddle me,

Till I fall asleep.

I will never feel lonely,

And bored in my life.

It will be a responsibility,

Which will be alright.

A furry little creature,

Who will wake me up early.

A dog who will pose for selfies,

And become a Facebook celebrity.

We will make funny videos,

Incredible vines.

And funny memes,

With captions divine.

So dear daddy
Can I get a dog, please?