For homework, I had to write my resume. Like a good girl I wrote the resume according to the format given by my teacher. However, I realised that a formal resume fails to cover some personality quirks which most of us have.

So here you go. A resume which I’m sure many of you can relate to.



Phone number………………….

Email id……………………………

Objectives : 1) Become filthy rich, own a huge house and a Ferrari.

2) Marry someone like Robert Downey Jr.

3) Go on a mission and save the world.

Education: 1) Student at NMIMS.

2) Devoted social media user since the past 5 years.

Experience: 1)

2) Been dealing with stupid and unsophisticated people since 1996.

3)I have changed my Whatsapp status more times than the number of hairs on my head.

4) I have listened to at least 900 songs.


1) Procrastination

2) I can speak 3 languages: 1) English 2) Sarcasm and 3) Dramatic Shit

3) I can sleep for 12 hours straight.

4) I may not be able to get up at 5 am but I can stay awake till 5 am.

5) I can zone out during a boring lecture (Walter Mitty ishtyle).

6) Fluent in song lyrics and movie dialogues.

7) Kissing.

Please note -No demonstration will be provided.

8) Being cute 24/7.

Hobbies: 1) Watching cat videos.

2) Observing the world via social media and then laughing at silly stuff.

3) Eating

4) Sleeping

Motivation: FOOD

Reference: 1) Pizza Hut

2) Readers of my blog