The pink eye battle

Watched an episode of a tv show I love. In that, everyone ends up with conjunctivitis (or what is also called as pink eye, presumably, to make it sound cute). That reminded me of when I got pink eye and the trauma that the so called pinky can give you. So, cheers to old memories, a bad case of pink eye and another chapter of my to-be written memoir, in advance.

The worst part about getting an eye infection is not the infection. It’s the reaction that you get from every fellow human being. When my eyes were blessed with this not-so-pretty infection, approx. 80 people looked into my blood-shot eyes and asked, ‘Kya hua tujhe’?
Now buddy, let’s consider the possibilities, shall we?
1st possibility- I got smacked.
Ruled out because- No one will be so angry that he/she will box me in both my eyes and try to match the intensity of colour in both of them. Bhai, yeh aisa kaisa ghussa?

2nd possibility- Consumption of alcohol.

Ruled out because- Sorry but not sorry, whoever can look at my innocent face and think of such a possibility is a universally deemed donkey.

3rd possibility- Infection. 

Which not one single person said other than my mom!

People came up to me and said, “Arre teri aankhein bahot laal hai yaar'”.
My mental response to this statement: Something called a mirror has been invented in which you can see yourself and is owned by all people on the planet. However, thank you very much for your ‘mind-blasting’ observation.  Even Sherlock will blush, looking at this one. And yes, brain mein locha hai kya? πŸ˜›

My real response- Yeah. I know. *Sighs*

(Couldn’t give them the original mental response or else I would have landed up with a bad case of black eye too. Abh aise karte karte, colourful eyes nahi chahiye).

Pink eye can be frustrating, with the pricking pain and the white sticky stuff coming out of your eye which seems completely foreign to you. It’s like you are going through some sort of mutation. Also, because of the risk of infection, right from your family members to the rest of the world, everyone looks at you with an expression of disgust and tries to stay away from you. Makes you feel like, a sort of an outcast. As if you have been exposed to some highly radioactive substance and need to be quarantined. It’s a lonely battle.

Speaking of which, the monkey emoji on WhatsApp seems to have a bad case of eye infection. He always hides his eyesπŸ‘‰πŸ™ˆ
 πŸ΅I hope you never get it.

Happy Sunday!
~Agent Pandy

Note : To make it not so lonely, don’t forget to give your friend a hug when you get pink eye. Hey, we share our joys and sorrows, right? Why not a holiday with pink eye too? 
(Kidding. Don’t run away from me)
