Girl Problems

Hello beautiful guys and girls.

Dear reader,
If you are a girl, you should read this article because it is totally relatable.
If you are a guy, you should read this article to be aware of how hard being a girl is. This would be your first step to understanding why we are, the way we are.

1) Hair

My hair might look like Beyonce’s hair before i leave the house.
The moment i leave my house, a strong wind will blow past me.
Forget about Beyonce’s hair. I will end up looking like freaking Medusa.

A spray should be invented which will help keep your hairstyle intact no matter how strong the wind is. Super strong hair gel.

Dear Santa, are you listening?

Also, sometimes it happens that we get a haircut and no one happens to notice it. The worst thing that can be said to a girl who just told you that she got a haircut is :
“Oh ya? I didn’t notice only! You look the same”.

Oh come on. That girl just spent two hours at a parlour. Don’t smash her hopes like that.

After I get a haircut I look like a fab diva. By the time i get home, the bounce is gone and then it is time to cry about it.

The worst thing your hair stylist can say to you is :
“For this style to remain you will have to blow dry your hair at home”.
But hello. Ain’t nobody got time for that.

2) Waxing

This should be illegal. The growth of body hair should stop in humans.
Extensive research should be conducted by scientists for this (Apart from the hair on our heads. I don’t want to look like Pitbull).

Dear future scientists of our generation, are you listening?

Getting waxed is like entering a battle.
And every single moment i have the following thought process-

“My boyfriend better treat me well.
After all, i am getting my skin ripped off for this fellow.”

“Owww that hurt”

“Why can’t you be gentle you not-so-adorable parlour lady?”

“Ok its almost over….”



“I got through it. I win at life”

“Like a boss baby”

The worst phases of life includes the ‘in between’ phase where the skin on our hands or legs has grown but it hasn’t grown enough so that it can be removed.

Every girl hates this.

3) PMS

Every wondered what suddenly happened to your girlfriend? Why did she get pissed off because of some really silly thing? Why did she say crap like ‘You don’t love me anymore’ and ‘You don’t care about me’?
More than often, chances are that your girlfriend is doing this because of the havoc being caused inside her body.
So guys, this is a lesson for you.
Be more understanding. Your girlfriend may not be crazy. She just has a lot to deal with. Also, never ever ask your girlfriend if she is PMSing. You might get yourself killed.
Thank me for this piece of advice later.

4) Eyebrows.

Girls hate it when their eyebrows grow. But then again, there are two types of girls on the planet.
1st type- This type of girl cannot deal with the growth of even one hair out of the 1100 hairs in each eyebrow.
The moment she spots it, she is going to book an appointment at her nearest parlour ASAP.

2nd type- This type of girl won’t mind if her eyebrows grow to such an extent that she ends up looking like Kochikame (Remember that cartoon? He had joint eyebrows).
This type of girl will get her eyebrows done only when it interferes with her vision.

And let me tell you, waxing and eyebrow threading is extremely painful. So painful that we all feel relieved the moment it is over. Some literally cry.

5) The ‘I don’t know what to wear’ syndrome

Those girls that can manage to get ready in just 10 minutes are blessed.
You rock at life.
But for other girls like me, this is what happens-
We spend a huge amount of time standing in front of our wardrobe, deciding what to wear.
While doing so, we tend to get lost in our thoughts and roam around the room aimlessly.
We play music at times and start dancing.
We find cool stuff in our wardrobe and get distracted.
Then we shortlist clothes and try them on.
Luck does not always favour us.
At times we may find the right top but not the right jeans.
Or we may find the right jeans but not the right top.
And then, we may not find the right accessories.
Sadness is, when you find only one earring of the colour you want to wear, whose twin seems to be kidnapped.


I almost forgot to mention shoes. Shoes have the tendency to magically disappear at the last moment. I don’t think that they are very fond of human beings.

So now you know, why it is that some girls take so much time to get ready.

So next time you meet a girl, give her a mental salute. If you are a girl, give yourself a pat on the back. Be proud of yourself babe.

That’s all folks.
Stay tuned for the next article ‘Girl Problems Part 2’.
Lots of love.